International Degree Programs of SPbPU are a Great Start for a Successful Future

19 August 2020 Education 1246

International Degree Programs of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University attract students from all over the world and provide a good start for career growth. For example, a student from India Nikhil MOHANAN successfully completed the International Master's Degree Program "Mechanics and Mathematical Modelling" at the Higher School of Theoretical Mechanics (HSTM SPbPU) and continued his postgraduate studies at one of the leading universities of France - École Polytechnique, which is a partner university of SPbPU.

Indian student Nikhil MOHANAN shared his impressions of SPbPU International Master’s Degree Program

- Nikhil, congratulations on the successful completion of an important stage in your life! Please share your impressions of SPbPU International Master’s Degree Program!

- I have been studying at the Higher School of Theoretical Mechanics Based on my personal experience with the staff and faculty of the HSTM, I can certainly say the department takes good care of the student’s progress and provides a vast number of opportunities for him/her to excel both academically as well as professionally.

- Which opportunities did you enjoy the most?

- As a student of the International Master’s Degree Program, I had the opportunity to get to know professors and researchers from abroad and, at the same time, to be in touch with domestic researchers at the Russian Academy of Science. The curriculum is very intriguing and supportive, with the additional option of taking courses from other departments of the institute like the Higher School of Mechanics and Control.

- What can you say about the courses you have studied? Which disciplines did you like the most?

- As an incoming international student, I felt that the mathematics taught was very different and hard. After discussing with the relevant professors, they gave additional lectures and materials so that by the mid-first semester, mathematics became easier to understand.

A critical aspect of HSTM is the Gazpromneft Research Center, which offered graduate students to work part-time conducting research on the Oil and Gas sector. As I was able to work at this center, I could make friends and got to understand the department and staff better.

- What do you think about professors?

- Eminent Professors like Prof. HUPPERT (Cambridge University), Prof. CHARKALUK (École Polytechnique), Prof. ALTENBACH (University of Otto von Gerike), etc., delivered lectures and, at times, offered students to pursue research at their Labs. And during one of those lectures, I happened to obtain an opportunity to start research at Ecole Polytechnique (EP) in Paris, France.

- What is your research dedicated to?

- At Ecole Polytechnique, I worked during the summer on a crystal plasticity model for micromechanics employed at the Laboratory of Mechanics of Solids (LMS) at EP, which later led to my graduate thesis focused on microstructure evolution during Additive Manufacturing. During this time, I chose to continue my research in micromechanics at LMS-EP, and I was given a full scholarship at their Doctoral School to pursue my research.

- Are you satisfied with the education you have got in Polytech?

- My education at HSTM offered me many opportunities, like working with various professors, working on advanced projects at the research center, and at the same time opportunities to pursue research abroad. In conclusion, I can be certain to say my career wouldn’t be the same without my research-study at HSTM SPbPU.

- Nikhil, thank you for the informative interview! We wish you luck, success and new exciting discoveries!

Prepared by SPbPU International Office using the HSTM materials

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