SPbPU Strengthens its Partner Relations with Rossotrudnichestvo

25 December 2018 Affiliates 1356

On December 24, at the Moscow Rossotrudnichestvo office, Rector of SPbPU, Academician of RAS, A.I. RUDSKOY met with the Acting Director of the Agency P.A. SHEVTSOV. From the part of Polytechnic University, Vice Rector for International Relations D.G. Arseniev, Head of the Department of International Cooperation V.D. Khizhnyak, and Head of the Educational Department Ye.V. Satalkina also took part in the meeting. Director of the Department for Cooperation in the sphere of education and science M.A. Kalinin also participated in the negotiations on behalf of Rossotrudnichestvo.

SPbPU Rector Academician RAS A.I. Rudsoi met with Acting Director of Rossotrudnichestvo P.A. Shevtsov

Let us remind that at the strategic session within the frame of the International Science and Education Salon in early December 2018, Advisor to the head of Rossotrudnichestvo D.Yu. GUZHELYA praised Polytechnic University’s results, stressing that in 2018, SPbPU got to the the leading positions by the number of applicants for RF government-supported scholarships from foreign countries. Rossotrudnichestvo performs the routine selection of foreign applicants through the network of its offices and Russian Embassies in foreign countries.    

At today's meeting with the leaders of Rossotrudnichestvo, Andrey RUDSKOY spoke in more detail about SPbPU’s activities in the field of science, education and international relations. Also, the Rector of Polytechnic University expressed appreciation for the many years of support from the Agency in all spheres, and expressed the hope that this cooperation would continue. “Our activities have a lot in common. In particular, we all strive to give the best to the new generation, and to provide for a decent start and happy future for both Russian and foreign students,” stressed A.I. RUDSKOY. In their turn, representatives of the Agency shared plans for joint activities with Russian universities and spoke about the operation of their offices abroad. The parties agreed that it is crucial to launch cooperation with foreign media in covering the universities’ actions abroad and to intensify information support. Special attention was paid to the promotion of joint efforts on recruiting foreign students through, in particular, exhibitions, seminars and conferences. For the nearest plans, the colleagues singled out signing the Roadmap in the course of celebration of the 120th anniversary of Polytechnic University next February.

Rossotrudnichestvo awarded SPbPU leaders memorial medal and badges of honor

In conclusion of the negotiations, Rossotrudnichestvo awarded the Rector of SPbPU, Academician of RAS, A.I. RUDSKOY with a memorial medal “For strengthening peace, friendship and cooperation” for promoting the development of international relations of the Russian Federation in the field of innovation and education. The SPbPU Vice-Rector D.G. Arseniev was awarded the badge of honor for his contribution to the development of international education, while heads of departments received honorable diplomas.

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