Joint Science and Technology Institute
The Joint Institute of Science and Technology (JIST) is the new way of the organisation of scientific research, innovative, R&D and manufacturing activities.
The Joint Institute of Science and Technology (JIST)
- +7 (812) 552-98-29
- +7 (812) 552-86-43
- 29, Polytechnicheskaya str., 195251, Saint Petersburg, Russia
The main objective of the Joint Institute of Science and Technology (JIST) is the integration of SPbPU resources to implement the innovative solutions of the University research teams into manufacturing quickly and effectively.

Within the stated objectives, the following tasks are being carried out:
- To position SPbPU as a research and technological centre solving the wide range of problems relevant to manufacturing;
- To create a full cycle of engineering for manufacturer's customers that means the production of a multi-purpose product ready to be implemented in manufacturing;
- To develop new, unique cross-disciplinary academic and technological fields with considerable practical potential.
All tasks aim to increase Research and Development (R&D) activities on a contract base performed by the offices of the University. One of the priority areas of JIST activities is developing essential and promising projects to conduct fundamental and multi-purpose scientific research, design and experimental works, design and surveying works to take part in the competitions conducted by Federal Target Programs of the Ministry of Education, Russian Science Foundation (RSF), Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research (RFFR) and others. Besides, the Joint Institute of Science and Technology coordinates the work within the framework of the projects supported by the Ministry of Education, FTP, RSF, RFBR and others.

The Joint Institute of Science and Technology (JIST) actively unites various technological platforms (TP) of our country in the prospective lines of Russian industry development. Technological Platform allows combining efforts of representatives of business, science and state while laying out the priorities of the long-term academic and technological development, strategic research program development and their implementation. Being the constant member of TP, SPbPU not only regularly confirms its importance in the national academic community but also is able to influence the formation of the vector for the engineering policy in Russia.
Due to the stable, technological base focused on the industrial sector of the country, members of the Joint Institute of Science and Technology (JIST) regularly introduce the breakthrough designs and technologies in different industrial areas such as aircraft, defence industry, engine-building, shipbuilding, power engineering, etc.

Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University rapidly develops its partnership in scientific and industrial areas with the Governments of Saint Petersburg, Kaliningrad, the Republic of Mordovia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District and others.
The Joint Institute of Science and Technology (JIST) is a SPbPU coordinator with many leading Russian enterprises such as PAO “Gazprom”, the enterprises of GK “Russian Technologies”, JCS “Klimov”, JSC “Zvezda” FSUE CRISM “Prometey”, JSC Concern VKO "Almaz-Antey”, OJSC (OAO) “Power Machines”. It also cooperates with foreign partners such as AVL, TSE, Weatherford, Philips, Siemens and others.

Nowadays, the structure of the Joint Institute of Science and Technology (JIST) consists of the following organisational units:
- Scientific and Technological Centre (STC) “Materials and Technologies”
- Scientific and Technological Centre (STC) “Machine Building Technologies”
- Scientific and Technological Centre (STC) “Mathematical Modelling and Intelligent Control Systems”
- Scientific and Technological Centre (STC) “Nuclear Physics”
- Scientific and Technological Complex, Testing Center “Politechtest”
- Scientific and Technological Centre (STC) “Laser and Welding Technologies”
- Scientific Research Center “Innovative Engine Technology”
- Scientific and Production Center “Ecological Safety of Natural Engineering Systems”
- Energetical and Environmental Investigation Centre
- Educational Research and Production Center “Technical Diagnostics and Reliability of Atomic and Thermal Electric Power Stations”
- Training, Research and Production Laboratory “Cryogenic”
- Scientific and Technological Complex “Design and Experimental Projects”