International Scientific Cooperation
International scientific cooperation is the basis to an interaction between the University and the world academic community as well as the industry partners. Global Strategic goal of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University is modernization and development of university as world-level competitive scientific and educational centre,which integrates multidisciplinary scientific research and top-level technologies, one of the leading world universities.

Read more about SPb Polytechnic University Science and R&D.
Polytechnic University has been supporting cooperation with world-wide industrial companies in different formats: joint R&D projects, applied research, founding of new international R&D centers and laboratories in collaboration of industry. Our research groups have a big experience in terms of participation in the academic-industrial consortia for international multidisciplinary programs and projects implementation.
Our industrial partners as well as academic partners are welcome to back student science at Polytechnic University as our other partners do:
- Scientific events for young researchers (International Polytech Science Week, Polytech Rise Weekend, Solution Lab, Science Slam events, Study Groups, etc.)
- Science and Research Conferences and Symposiums;
- Participation and support of BSc, MSc and PhD projects;
- International Partnership Week;

A distinguishing feature of our University is that it is an interdisciplinary complex of the most important fields of modern science and technology - modern physics, medical physics, radio electronics, nanotechnology, – that is an interdisciplinary level of future.
Zhores Alferov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Academician of RAS, Science Advisor of SPbPU Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications

We have an objective to develop human resource, technological, manufacturing facilities in order to take a rightful place in the currently forming global markets. It is extremely important to build up a community of engineering centers, which could effectively cooperate with the existing development institutes, state corporations and foreign partners – and a Polytechnic University has a lot to be proud of in this field.
Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
For scientific and university community, it is important to always be on the frontier and to answer the challenges we receive from the global economy in a most competent way.
Andrey Rudskoy, SPbPU Rector, Academician of RAS