Development of the Russian-African Network University

25 March 2024 International activities 452

On March 19 in Moscow, Dmitry Arseniev, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of SPbPU, Maxim Zalyvsky, Head of the RAFU Project Office, and Alla Mazina, Deputy Head of the International Education Department, met with Ksenia Trinchenko, Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. During the meeting, SPbPU presented the RAFU action plan for 2024 within the framework of the ministerial state assignment.

Dmitry Arseniev, Maxim Zalyvsky and Alla Mazina

The Director of the Department noted the effectiveness of the work done by Polytechnic University within the framework of the consortium coordination and the high quality of changes made in the organization and conduct of events under the auspices of RAFU. Ksenia Trinchenko expressed confidence that Polytechnic University will expand the geography of RAFU participants on the African continent, and the Ministry is ready to support the initiatives of the consortium in the implementation of priority activities.

Dmitry Arseniev, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of SPbPU, expressed gratitude for the trust, effective communication and support in organizing events within the consortium, including participation in the World Youth Festival 2024.

The parties came to an agreement on further coordination of RAFU activities between the Project Office and the Department of International Cooperation, and approved the formed work plan of the RAFU consortium for 2024.

With Egyptian Cultural Attaché Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Elserghani (second from left)

On the same day representatives of Polytechnic University met in Moscow with the Egyptian Cultural Attaché Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Elsergani. At the meeting they discussed the current situation of the Russian-Egyptian cooperation in the field of education and science, the RAFU activity was presented. Mr. Mohamed Elsergani expressed confidence in the increasing interest of Egyptian students in Russian education, especially in engineering and technical specialties, IT and biomedicine. The parties discussed the possibilities of establishing joint network programs on the Master’s degree track and an information center of SPbPU and RAFU in Egypt.

The establishment of joint network programs and an information center in Egypt could expand the prospects for knowledge and experience exchange between the universities. I hope that these fruitful initiatives will bring many positive results and Russian-Egyptian cooperation in education and science will reach a qualitatively new level, summarized Dmitry Arseniev.

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