Polytechnic University at the Second Forum of Rectors of Russian and Vietnamese Universities

6 May 2024 International activities 238

Polytechnic University took part in the Second Forum of Rectors of Russian and Vietnamese Universities held at Moscow State University. Victor Malyugin, Program Manager of the countries of South-East Asia of SPbPU, attended from Polytechnic University.

Second Forum of Rectors of Russian and Vietnamese Universities

The Vietnamese delegation was headed by Deputy Minister of Education of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Hoang Minh Son De and Rector of the University of Transport Professor Nguyen Ngoc Long. The forum was also attended by Vietnamese Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Russia Minh Khoi Dang and more than 150 heads of higher education institutions of the two countries.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko, co-chairman of the Intergovernmental Russian-Vietnamese Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation, made a video address.

Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education Konstantin Mogilevsky addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.

With Vietnamese delegation

The event was opened by Rector of Moscow State University Academician Viktor Sadovnichy. He noted that the two countries are actively expanding cooperation, which covers various spheres. He also emphasized the special importance of rectors’ forums and scientific and educational forums of universities in Russia and foreign countries.

As President of the Russian Union of Rectors, Victor Sadovnichy proposed the idea to create the Association of Universities of Russia and Vietnam as a platform for permanent contacts between the teams of universities of the two countries.

The participants concluded agreements

During the event, the participants concluded a number of bilateral agreements aimed at deepening humanitarian cooperation between the countries in the framework of scientific and educational cooperation.

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