Polytechnic University implements a series of joint educational programs and projects with universities in Uzbekistan

7 June 2022 International activities 638

Experts from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and a number of universities in Uzbekistan have begun developing joint network educational programs, professional development courses for faculty and staff, off-site modules of summer schools, and research seminars. These and other agreements were reached during the visit of a SPbPU delegation to Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara in May 2022. The delegation included the heads and staff of the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade, the Institute of Humanities, the Institute of Biomedical Systems and Biotechnology and the International Services of SPbPU. In total, representatives of Polytechnic University visited 12 universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Polytechnic University strengthens cooperation with universities in Uzbekistan

During the visit, the SPbPU delegation confirmed and updated partnership relations with leading universities in Uzbekistan. As a result of negotiations, Roadmaps and working plans for cooperation were signed, in particular, with the Tashkent State University of Economics and the Tashkent Financial Institute, along with more than 15 memorandums of meetings that fix agreements reached between SPbPU and Uzbek universities on joint activities at the level of institutes and universities in the most demanded economic, humanitarian and biotechnological fields. In the near future, working groups of Russia and Uzbekistan will begin to develop joint educational programs in tourism, management, biotechnology, foreign regional studies, philology and many others. Also it is planned to cooperate in the field of postgraduate programs, joint postgraduate programs, holding visiting summer schools.

Polytechnic University has a wealth of potential and unique experience in implementing large-scale scientific and educational projects in various fields, and we are happy to share the best practices and experiences with partners. We are looking forward to new successes and achievements from joint work of Russian and Uzbek specialists, commented Dmitry Arseniev, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of SPbPU

During the visit of SPbPU delegation to Uzbekistan a number of protocols on cooperation intentions were signed

We prepared this trip for over two months, formulating specific point proposals for each of the areas, presenting to the partners our unique developments and experience. This approach was destined for success. Polytechnic University can offer one-of-a-kind interdisciplinary programs at the intersection of engineering and economics, digital technologies and humanities, biotechnology and sustainable development security. I expect practical results of the visit in the very near future, said the head of the delegation, head of the International Academic Cooperation Department Ekaterina Belyaevskaya.

Cooperation in the humanitarian area

The Institute of Humanities (IH SPbPU) reached agreements with universities in Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara. Together with TSEU a joint double degree program «Education Management» will be implemented. In the near future, the Memorandum of Cooperation with the Uzbek State Institute of World Languages is expected to be signed, after which the possibility of creating an educational consortium and network program for intelligent systems in the humanities will be explored.

Colleagues from the National University of Uzbekistan were interested in SPbPU’s experience in digitalization, especially when applied to the humanities. With Bukhara State University SPbPU will begin to develop and implement training programs, professional development and retraining for students and staff, and the development of academic mobility of professors and teachers.

Representatives of SPbPU Institute for the Humanities are planning to develop joint programs with universities in Uzbekistan

A whole range of joint activities is in the work plan with Samarkand State University (SSU). The parties are planning to hold a summer school «Polytechnic University in Samarkand» with the participation of the Institute of Biomedical Systems and Biotechnology. The possibility of organizing an outreach methodological seminar and refresher training program for SGU teachers in foreign language teaching methods and TESOL programs, as well as launching a research project on the historical heritage of Samarkand and St. Petersburg are discussed.

One of the areas of cooperation between SPbPU and higher educational institutions in Uzbekistan is the creation of a summer school program

Representatives of the Institute for the Humanities visited six universities in the republic. An agreement was reached with all of them on the development of comprehensive cooperation and steps were outlined to achieve the goals set. The working trip was productive, all the tasks facing the delegation were accomplished, noted the director of IH SPbPU Natalia Chicherina.

Cooperation in the field of economics

The delegation of the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade (IIMET SPbPU) discussed the topical agenda of joint scientific and educational activities with its partners. In working meetings with the representatives of TSEU the parties agreed to develop joint educational programs based on the Master’s degree programs «International Logistics Systems» and «Digital Business Management», implemented in SPbPU. In total at TSEU 7 protocols of intentions for cooperation in the field of trade, management, economics, tourism, etc. were signed by the heads of the IIMET higher schools.

IIMET and a number of Uzbek universities signed protocols of intentions on partnership

The protocol signed with the Tashkent Financial Institute (TFI) will allow for a joint conference and the launch of joint programs in economics in the near future. As part of the official visit, the IIMET delegation also had a working meeting with representatives of the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service. In the near future, it is planned to sign a memorandum and develop a road map.

Representatives of the Institute participated in working group meetings with colleagues from Uzbekistan

Universities in Uzbekistan are actively developing educational programs in economics, management, tourism and other areas. An important task for them remains the training of teachers and specialists. Already now for this purpose we can offer our partners participation in our conferences, development of advanced training and retraining programs, postgraduate courses, defense of dissertations in our own dissertation councils created on the basis of the Institute, noted director of IIMET Vladimir Shchepinin.

Cooperation in biomedicine

The Institute of Biomedical Systems and Biotechnology (IBS&B SPbPU) is planning to implement a partnership in science and education with universities in Uzbekistan. Scientists of the two countries have a significant number of common points of contact. For example, scientists at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (TICT) work with microalgae, and a similar area is being developed at SPbPU, where there is extensive scientific material in the field of algae cultivation and technologies for obtaining valuable components. Scientists from the Higher School of Biotechnology and Food Science and TICT agreed on joint scientific publications. Also, an agreement was reached on dual supervision of graduate students engaged in these scientific topics.

Representatives of Uzbek universities expressed interest in developing cooperation with SPbPU

A network double degree program «Applied Biotechnology» is planned to be developed and implemented between SPbPU and Samarkand State University. As early as September, a program on «Molecular diagnostic methods» will be implemented for the SSU teachers and the common teaching materials will be published in Uzbek and Russian languages. Finally, the parties agreed to create a joint laboratory to work on research of bioactive substances of medicinal plants, which in the future will enable the study of samples obtained in other agro climatic conditions.

With many colleagues from Uzbekistan, we are on the cutting edge of science and thinking in the same direction. Polytechnic University remains a sought-after and interesting partner. It is interesting to work with us and we are ready to cooperate, there is a mutual desire to do something together, to meet, discuss and work together in offline format, said the director of the Graduate School of Biotechnology and Food Science of IBS&B Yulia Bazarnova.

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