SPbPU Visited a Representative from University of California, Berkeley

14 December 2018 International activities 996

On December 7, 2018 Polytech visited a Director of Global Engagement at Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SCET) Ms. Susan L. Giesecke. SCET is a global innovation hub at UC Berkeley's College of Engineering, and University of California, Berkeley is one of the most famous US universities.

SPbPU visited a Director of Global Engagement at Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SCET) Ms. Susan L. Giesecke

Ms. Susan L. Giesecke met with the team of SPbPU International Office and representatives of the Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Institute of Management, Economics and Trade.

In the course of the meeting the parties have explored areas of potential collaboration in the field of entrepreneurship between SPbPU and UC Berkeley. Ms. Giesecke invited students and faculty from St. Petersburg to Berkeley to do startup research, to take part in Startup Semester or Berkeley method of entrepreneurship bootcamp. In its turn team of SPbPU International Office invited Ms. Giesecke and entrepreneurship professors from UC Berkeley to come give lectures for SPbPU students on a short-term basis.

Ms. Susan L. Giesecke met with the team of SPbPU International Office

The parties also agreed to mutually promote summer programs in English to students. UC Berkeley students will consider participation in Business and Entrepreneurship module of International Polytechnic Summer School.

Prepared by International Academic Cooperation Department

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