Short-term Programs

Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University offers a variety of short-term programs, which cover many different subjects and are available to everyone.
Some of the most popular short-term programs offered by SPbPU are:
- Summer school typically take from 1 week to 2 months. They are held on summer holidays and cover many different subjects.
- Winter school
- Russian Studies and Russian Language - are designed for students who would like to study Russian as a foreign language, learn more about Russia, or to take a short-term training for personal or professional activity.
- Exchange Programs
- Semester in English- these programs are integrated in educational process, developed according the European requirements and can be recognized as a semester abroad.

Admission Office for international students
- 8 (800) 101-18-99
- 195220 Russia, St. Petersburg, 28 Grazhdansky pr. Institute of International Educational Programs Admission office, room 228