
Andrei I. Rudskoi
- Science degree:
- Doctor of Technical Sciences
- Science title:
- Professor
- Academic title:
- Academician of the Russian Academy of Science
- Position:
- rector – Rector’s Office
- +7 (812) 552-67-57
- +7 (812) 552-60-80
- 195251, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya str., 29

Mikhail P. Fedorov
- Science degree:
- Doctor of Technical Sciences
- Science title:
- Professor
- Academic title:
- Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
- Position:
- president of spbpu – Rector’s Office
- +7 (812) 297-16-16
- +7 (812) 552-78-82
- 195251, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya str., 29

Vitaliy V. Sergeev
- Science degree:
- Doctor of Technical Sciences
- Science title:
- Professor
- Academic title:
- Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
- Position:
- first vice-rector – Rector’s Office
- +7 (812) 297-38-33
- 195251, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya str., 29, Academic Building No 1, room 216

Айрапетян Александр Иванович
- Position:
- проректор по безопасности – Rector’s Office
- +7 (812) 552-89-65
- +7 (812) 552-89-65
- ул. Политехническая, дом 29, 1 корп., каб. 330

Dmitry G. Arseniev
- Science degree:
- Doctor of Technical Sciences
- Science title:
- Professor
- Academic title:
- Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
- Position:
- vice-rector for international affairs – Rector’s Office
- Duties:
- и.о. директора – Higher School of Cyberphysical Systems & Control
- +7 (812) 534-10-01
- +7 (812) 534-13-65
- 195220, St. Petersburg, Grazhdansky pr., 28, room 213

Alexey I. Borovkov
- Science degree:
- PhD in Engineering
- Science title:
- Professor
- Position:
- vice-rector for digital transformation – Rector’s Office
- +7 (812) 552-73-95
- 195251, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya str., 29 АФ (Technopolis NIK), В 3.33

Maria V. Vrublevskaya
- Science degree:
- кандидат экономических наук
- Position:
- директор департамента – Department of Strategic Planning and Development Programs
- +7 (812) 297-22-76
- 195251, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya str., 29 АФ (Technopolis NIK), В.3.05

Stanislav S. Vladimirov
- Position:
- vice-rector for administrative services – Rector’s Office
- +7 (812) 591-67-76
- 195251, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya str., 29, Academic Building No 1, room 233

Andrey V. Lyamin
- Science degree:
- Doctor of Technical Sciences
- Science title:
- Assistant Professor
- Position:
- vice-rector for information technologies – Rector’s Office
- +7 (812) 297-18-21
- 195251, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya str., 29 АФ (Technopolis NIK), А 1.23

Ludmila V. Pankova
- Science degree:
- PhD in Economics
- Science title:
- Assistant Professor
- Position:
- vice-rector for academic affairs – Rector’s Office
- +7 (812) 552-40-57
- 195251, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya str., 29, Academic Building No 1, room 213

Maxim A. Pasholikov
- Science degree:
- PhD in Economics
- Science title:
- Assistant Professor
- Position:
- vice-rector for youth policy and communication technologies – Rector’s Office
- +7 (812) 297-20-93
- 195251, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya str., 29, Academic Building No 1, room 415

Alexander V. Rechinsky
- Science degree:
- PhD in Technical Sciences
- Science title:
- доцент
- Position:
vice-rector for economy and finance – Rector’s Office,
assistant professor – Higher School of Engineering
- +7 (812) 294-45-64
- +7 (812) 294-45-64
- 195251, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya str., 29, Academic Building No 1, room 225

Dmitry V. Tikhonov
- Science degree:
- PhD in Economics
- Science title:
- Assistant Professor
- Position:
- vice-rector for additional and pre-university education – Rector’s Office
- +7 (812) 552-02-16
- 195251, St. Petersburg, Gidrotekhnikov str., 5

Yuriy V. Fomin
- Science degree:
- PhD in Physics and Mathematics
- Position:
- vice-rector for research – Rector’s Office
- +7 (812) 552-06-86
- 195251, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya str., 29 АФ (Technopolis NIK), В.3.28