Advances and Applications in Plasma Physics

Learn about the plasma physics and nuclear fusion!

The program is intended for postgraduate students who want to deepen their knowledge of plasma physics and who want to pursue a research career at a university, research laboratory, or to be involved into largest nuclear fusion project – ITER or DEMO. Besides the lectures and seminars much attention is paid to attracting students to the research of scientific groups working in promising areas of modern physics: plasma physics theory, plasma modeling (using parallel computing at the Polytechnic supercomputer center), plasma physics diagnostics, and additional heating in tokamaks.

Key Points

  • basic background and research experience in the top of modern physics 
  • potential to R&D in a variety of fields 
  • excellent analytical methods, problem solving skills, numerical modeling experience 
  • communication and study skills: ability to manage their own learning and to make use of primary research sources and reviews 
  • transferable skills necessary for employment: initiative, decision making and ability to undertake further professional training
Advances and Applications in Plasma Physics
Advances and Applications in Plasma Physics

About the program

Admission procedure:

You are kindly required to fill in an on-line application. International applicants may find additional information concerning admission at SPbPU web-site.

Prof. L.G.Askinazi demonstrates to students the diagnostics installed on the Globus-M2 tokamak,
During an international teleconference on divertor modeling issues
During an international teleconference on divertor modeling issues

Leading professors and guest speakers:

Professor Vladimir A. Rozhansky

Professor Vladimir A. Rozhansky
Higher school of engineering physics, Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (Russia)

Course “Plasma theory” (Engl.)

Professor Vladimir Yu. Sergeev

Professor Vladimir Yu. Sergeev
Higher school of engineering physics, Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (Russia)

Course “Fusion reactor physics” (Engl.)


Additional Benefits:

Staying in the most beautiful city of Russia - St. Petersburg - will reward you with unforgettable experience!

Layers of design of the Wendelstein-7X stellarator
Inside and outside of a low-temperature plasma etching device

Learn more about MSc Degree Advances and Applications in Plasma Physics

Contact details:

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Institute of Physics, Nanotechnologies and Telecommunications
Higher school of Engineering Physics
  • Veronika Korzueva, program manager
  • Polytechnicheskaya, 29, Academic Building No 2, of. 319, 195251 St. Petersburg