Laser and Fiber Optic Systems

Students are trained to do research and development in the field of laser and fiber optic systems. Skills to carry out research in the field of infocommunications and to develop advanced optical communication systems are given. Practical skills are obtained during the research works.

The program is aimed at exposing the students to a wide range of disciplines that allow them to use of laser technology, as well as development and operation of fiber-optic communication systems.

Key advantages

  • basic background and research experience in the field of modern fiber optic and laser systems
  • potential to R&D in the fields of laser physics and optics
  • analytical, critical and problem solving skills
  • transferable skills necessary for employment: initiative, decision making and ability to undertake further professional training
Laser and Fiber Optic Systems
Laser and Fiber Optic Systems


Laser and Fiber Optic Systems

Student research and practice

The program involves active participation of students in research and development activities, scientific schools, youth conferences and seminars, student exchange programs, acquisition of practical skills in performing laboratory work and practical training in leading Russian and foreign companies and in relevant institutes.

Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship

Modern educational technologies and relevant knowledge

During their studies, students acquire deep knowledge in the field of modern laser technologies and optical telecommunications, the skills of designing optical telecommunication systems and their elements with the use of specialized equipment and software. Throughout the program, students get hands-on experience with various laser sources, photodetectors, fiber optic lines and their elements, get familiar with the basics of building fiber optic communication and sensing systems. Students get acquainted with the basics of optical measurements, holography, optical information processing, quantum technologies.

Unique laboratory base

Unique laboratory base

The laboratories where students’ scientific work is performed, are equipped with modern equipment from Thorlabs, Hamamatsu, MINI CIRCUITS, Rohde & Schwarz, Keysight, Corning, IBSEN Photonics

About the program

Admission procedure

You are kindly required to fill in an on-line application. International applicants may find additional information concerning admission at SPbPU web-site .

Leading professors and guest speakers

Professor Leonid B. Liokumovich

Professor Leonid B. Liokumovich
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University

Light Propagation in Nonlinear Media (Engl.), Individual Research Work

Professor Nikolay A. Ushakov

Professor Nikolay A. Ushakov,

Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University

One of the leading scientists in the field of photonic sensing in Russia. Consultant on educational projects on quantum technologies, Gazprom-Neft.

Introduction into Quantum Optics (Engl.), Optoinformatics and Quantum Cryptography (Engl.), Fiber-Optic Telecommunication Systems (Engl.), Individual Research Work.

Professor Vladimir M. Mostepanenko

Professor Vladimir M. Mostepanenko,

HI=50, leading scientist in the field of quantum technology:

  • Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University 
  • Russian Academy of Sciences 
  • Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Individual Research Work Supervision, Lectures on Fluctuation Forces Between Bodies, Quantum Effects in Nanodevices

Professor Galina L. Klimchitskaya

Professor Galina L. Klimchitskaya,

HI=48, leading scientist in the field of quantum technology

  • Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University 
  • Russian Academy of Sciences 
  • Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Individual Research Work Supervision, Lectures on the Optical Properties of Thin Film, Fluctuation Forces Controlled by Radiation

Professor Ge Dong

Professor Ge Dong
Head of the Optoelectronics Science Laboratory Tsinghua University, China

Invited lectures on signal and image processing, latest trends in communication technologies

Professor Ivan V. Pleshakov

Professor Ivan V. Pleshakov

  • Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University 
  • Ioffe Institute 
  • Russian Academy of Sciences

Spectroscopy of Materials for Laser Technologies (Engl.)

Professor Vladimir A. Sorotsky

Professor Vladimir A. Sorotsky
Director of the Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Theory of Telecommunication Systems and Networks (Engl.)

Professor Alexander V. Shamray

Professor Alexander V. Shamray

  • Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University 
  • Ioffe Institute 
  • Russian Academy of Sciences 
  • Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics University ITMO

Fundamentals of Quantum Optics (Engl.)

Program Partners

Laser and Fiber Optic Systems
Laser and Fiber Optic Systems

Additional Benefits

Staying in the most beautiful city of Russia - Saint-Petersburg - will reward you with unforgettable experience! Learn more about MSc Degree Laser and Fiber Optic Systems

Contact details

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University