Molecular and Cellular Biomedical Technologies

Why should you choose «Molecular and Cellular Biomedical Technologies»?

  • The strong connection between Education and Science 
  • Interdisciplinary knowledge at the intersection of biology, pharmacology, cell, and molecular medicine. 
  • Skills and knowledge at the new biomedical technologies 
  • Prospective employment in Scientific research

Key competencies and skills that you will develop

  • Research skills in molecular and cellular biology, immunobiotechnology 
  • Up-to-date technologies for drug and vaccine design 
  • Skills in molecular modelling and bioinformatics 
  • Basics of the preclinical trials
Molecular and Cellular Biomedical Technologies
Molecular and Cellular Biomedical Technologies

About the program

Admission procedure

You are kindly required to fill in an on-line application. International applicants may find additional information concerning admission at SPbPU web-site.

Molecular and Cellular Biomedical Technologies
Molecular and Cellular Biomedical Technologies

Our partners

Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza (Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
St. Petersburg Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums and an Enterprise for the Production of Bacterial Preparations
Institute of Cytology of RAS

Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry Russian Academy of Sciences
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named by B.P.Konstantinov of NRC «Kurchatov Institute»

Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent
Institute of human virology University of Maryland, Baltimore
Global Virus Network

Molecular and Cellular Biomedical Technologies
Molecular and Cellular Biomedical Technologies

Contact details

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University: