New Materials and Additive Technologies

What is behind the phrase “Additive Technologies”? This is what modern world really needs, this is what you can meet everywhere – in industry, in medicine, in spheres of innovations. Do you want to be at the junction of new materials and advanced technologies? Join our program!

The program is aimed to develop new functional and structural materials and systems based on the physical and numerical simulation at the interface of physics, chemistry, material science, engineering and computational mechanics.

Every technology is based on the materials. Being at the starting point of everything you have a chance to achieve the highest results!

Key Points

  • individual approach and on-going assistance;
  • the course is delivered in English;
  • joint projects and research activities with teachers' engagement;
  • international contacts for future career at top positions; 
  • communication with experts from leading construction and engineering companies;
  • scientific research activities, regular participation in seminars, conferences, and forums;
  • scholarships to study abroad in English in one of the European partner universities (a semester or a summer school).

New Materials and Additive Technologies
New Materials and Additive Technologies

About the program

New Materials and Additive Technologies
New Materials and Additive Technologies

Admission procedure

You are kindly required to fill in an on-line application. International applicants may find additional information concerning admission at SPbPU web-site.

New Materials and Additive Technologies

Contact details

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University: