Quantitative finance

Do you want to manage your life? Choose the right course

Why should you choose this program?

  • You will be aware of the latest trends in the financial sector;
  • You will have knowledge of decreasing risks and applying appropriate tools in different situations;
  • You will gain an understanding of the technical aspects used in financial markets: from the financial theory to showing various applications of the theoretical concepts;
  • You will get necessary skills and experience of econometric modeling as well as programming;
  • The program provides education in English. However, you have a good opportunity to get acquainted with Russian culture and make useful contacts, search for opportunities and stay in touch;
  • Program is implemented with participation of professors from leading international universities and experts from industry; 
  • You also have opportunity to apply to 6-month international internship at one of the partner universities.
Quantitative finance

About the program

Quantitative finance
Quantitative finance

Visit lectures of the TOP-ranked professors from all over the world!

Professor Ahmad Pouyanfar

Professor Ahmad Pouyanfar

Research & Teaching area
Corporate Finance, Risk Management and Modeling, Business Valuation

Professor Abhinava Tripathi

Associate Professor Abhinava Tripathi

Research & Teaching area
Financial Markets, Market Microstructure, Liquidity, Market Efficiency

Professor Mohammed Ali Berawi

Professor Mohammed Ali Berawi

Research & Teaching area
Sustainable Development, Engineering Economics

Professor Andrey Efremov

Associate Professor Andrey Efremov

Research & Teaching area
Mathematical Analysis and Probability Theory, Digital Transformation of Business Processes

Universities – Program Partners

Companies – Program Partners

A&D Mortgage LLC;

Bank Saint Petersburg
Quantitative finance

Admission procedure

You are kindly required to fill in an on-line application. International applicants may find additional information concerning admission at SPbPU website

Contact details

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University:
  • DSс Natalya G. Viktorova, Program scientific supervisor
  • Ms. Ekaterina Koroleva, Program supervisor
  • koroleva_ev@spbstu.ru
  • 29, Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia (Building 3, room 403A)