Business Engineering

Welcome to our streamlined Master's Degree Program "Business Engineering"!

What does it mean to be a leader in a complex organizational structure and drive corporate development in the digital era?

How to launch IT projects?

How to build development processes and manage IT services?

This master's program will teach you how to manage a modern business and implement relevant digital technologies.

Technologies for Business Engineering
Technologies for Business Engineering

Why should you choose this program?

  • Studies entirely in English; 
  • Students are trained to work in modern information systems as well as learn about modern digital technologies; 
  • Students regularly participate in research activities: seminars, international student projects; 
  • The program provides students with a unique combination of fundamental knowledge about business management and IT; 
  • Under the program, teachers and students conduct joint research and participate in the implementation of real projects and cases from companies; 
  • Lectures are delivered by renowned professors and lecturers, including guest lecturers from companies.

About the program

After studies our students will be able to:

  • manage design and development of enterprise architecture using modern methods, techniques and tools;
  • develop and implement a strategy of IT architecture and IT infrastructure development;
  • develop and implement projects on organizational changes implementation: business process reengineering, information systems implementation, digital transformation of the enterprise, e-business implementation, etc.;
  • participate in development, implementation and maintenance of information systems, electronic and mobile business;
  • apply general laws of economic processes, implement them in the form of model representations and formulate recommendations on the selection and implementation of solutions in the field of business management;
  • be skilled in management, planning, analysis of requirements for software products development, implementation and maintenance;
  • participate in development of documentation for certification and evaluation of software quality used at an enterprise;
  • understand the complexity and ambiguity of social phenomena of reality, to support business communication.

Additional Benefits

Staying in the most beautiful city of Russia - Saint Petersburg - will reward you with unforgettable experience!

Students’ Testimonials

Contact details

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University